What the Healthy Diet Claims on Packaged Food Really Mean

If you have been to the grocery store lately - which I am going guess most of us have - you will have noticed all kinds of health claims printed on packaged food items that are trying to convince you why the product is great for you, and what kind of value it adds to your healthy diet.

In some cases the information is very useful and valid. But sometimes the claims food packaging makes can feel like a magician is trying to get us to look the other direction while they perform the trick with the other hand. When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, there are definitely some claims that we should all be wary of. The big four offenders are:

    Sugar Free or No Added Sugar
    Low Fat or Fat Free
    Low Sodium
    Source of Essential Vitamins and/or Minerals

Now in some cases the product's bold statements of health benefits are true, but most major food companies don't fall into this category. Here's how they manage to print these healthy diet claims without getting caught.

Sugar Free or No Added Sugar

When you are told that something is Sugar Free or that there is No Added Sugar to the product, what they really mean is that they've added an artificial sugar to it instead. Artificial sugars require their own discussion according to the food police, and since these aren't considered real sugars, producers are allowed to tell you that their product doesn't have any extra sugar in it.

The Benefits of Healthy Eating Is Often Underestimated by Many People!

The benefits of eating healthy cannot be overemphasized

Many have ignored the benefit of healthy nutrition and have continued to put unhealthy foods into their stomachs. Experts have shown that those who eat what is known as a healthy diet are more successful in life and live therefor longer lives than those who don't.

Parents should teach their children to eat healthy and make sure that it becomes part of their lifestyle.

One reason why many find it hard to adjust to healthy eating is because they been having unhealthy diets from childhood. So if you teach your children the benefits of healthy eating it will help them in the long run. It will make them happy and healthy.

What women eat during pregnancy!

Diet can go back to the days before we are born. This can have an effect on the baby.

It has been well noted for centuries that pregnant women should choose their food selectively because what they eat in pregnancy determines the baby's health.

Not only women, the food men eat before and during conception also affect the baby. The intergenerational link is interesting when considering the fathers diet around conception has implications for future generations. It is not only what the mother eats at the time of conception, also what the father eats at the time and even before.

The 5 Key Benefits of Eating Healthy

Most of us know that the biggest benefits of eating healthy are that we will stay physically fit, feel better, and have fewer illnesses. We can lower our risk of illnesses like heart disease and diabetes as well. Another key benefit of eating healthy is being able to maintain a healthy weight. In this age of epidemic obesity, this is one of the simplest weight loss plans.

But how many of us teach these benefits to our children, and insure that the habit of eating healthy becomes a part of their daily lifestyle? If we did, we could see healthier, happier children, and teenage obesity could become a thing of the past. Here are the 5 major benefits of eating healthy every day:

1. Eating healthy is probably the easiest and most important way in which you can keep active and shield yourself from the many diseases that are now common as we grow older, including heart disease and diabetes. By eating healthy you are boosting your energy levels, improving your bodily functions, and helping to improve your immune. By eating a healthy diet and combining this with exercise you could end up leading a longer and more vibrant life.

2. You will meet your daily nutritional needs. Your daily food intake should include some amounts of grain, fruit, vegetables, milk (or other dairy products), beans, oils, and protein. There are vitamins and minerals in healthy foods which can boost your immune system and shield you from many common illnesses. In some cases, by eating a healthy diet you can actually reduce the risks that are often linked with such serious diseases as cancer and diabetes.